Core Concepts in Blood Test Analysis
The course to provide you with strong foundations that will give you the confidence to interpret blood tests in front of your client.
What is context and why does it matter?
Context: Controllable and uncontrollable factors
BONUS: Free context handout
Context is Key Live Session (recorded 13/01/2025)
What is a test matrix and do I need to use one?
Introducing the Blood Labs test matrices
Blood Labs test matrix: Fatigue
Blood Labs test matrix: Sex Hormones
Blood Labs test matrix: Cardiovascular Disease
Blood Labs test matrix: Allergies, Intolerances, Sensitivities
Choosing blood tests with confidence Live Session (recorded 17/01/2025)
Working with a GP (and not against a GP)
Knowing what a GP can and can't test - and where to find resources
Writing to a GP to request suitable tests
Preparing your client for testing with their GP
Template: GP Referral Letter
Communicating with GPs Live Session (recorded 21/01/25)
What is private testing, and why would you want to consider it?
Best practice and common mistakes
What is a phlebotomist and how can I find one?
How can I use private blood testing in my clinic?
Get confident with the logistics of private testing Live Session (recorded 23/01/25)
What is a full blood count
Why is a full blood count sometimes the only test that is run?
Interpreting a full blood count
Red flags in the full blood count
The full blood count Live Session (recorded 27/01/25)
Case Study 1
Case Study 2
Case Study 3